Saturday 27 October 2012

5 Leicester Buildings I Will Buy When I Win The Lottery

FROM WATCHING THE ADVERTS ON TV it's quite clear that I will soon be a multi-millionaire when I win the Euromillions lottery. With this is mind I thought I'd make sure that some of that cash stays in Leicester and have compiled a quick list of five buildings in Leicester currently either empty and/or at threat from ruination that I can buy when I win.

1. Friars Mill
Obvious one first. Badly damaged in a fire in July, now apparently under 24 hour guard (although that didn't stop it being vandalised again), this building needs to find an owner, and a purpose, quickly. I think I'll make it into a restaurant with rooms, perhaps do a bit of landscaping round it to to attract people down to the canal and park my barge next to it (oh yes, I'm going to buy a barge).

2. Hosier's house, Darker Street

Long neglected by whoever owns it, the last(?) remaining Victorian hosier's house in Leicester desperately needs saving. The roof was repaired and the building made (more) secure three years ago but its location (next to the Matalan car park) away from the main drag means it's difficult to imagine anyone wanting to restore it and perhaps make it into a small museum about Leicester's hosiery industry. So obviously I will have to do that when I win the Euromillions.
3. Building in Orton Square

This one's for me. I 'heart' the "cultural quarter". Love Curve, love the Phoenix, love the factories slowly being converted into factories and workshops, offices and restaurants. Love the Exchange Building. But it really needs a "boutique" hotel and restaurant. And I need a city centre pad. All these problems will be solved when I convert this grand Victorian block of bricks. It currently contains a snooker club. Previously it had been a swingers club called G Spot and before that you could catch up with the latest in German gabba and hardcore in a club whose name eludes me. It was for sale for £1m but I can't find the details on the Innes England site anymore, so maybe I'm too late? Hopefully, if someone has bought it they will refurbish this blot on the cultural landscape of Leicester. Also, if anyone knows what it's actually called perhaps they could tell me?

4. "Jeyes Garage", Belgrave Road

There is a bit of art deco in Leicester but you have to go looking for it. There's a fine factory in Nelson Street, a squash club off the London Road and, of course, the Odeon cinema in the aforementioned Orton Square. There are also some lovely tram stops, one of which may soon become a coffee shop. This former garage on the corner of Belgrave Road and Olphin Street is currently a car wash and has been badly treated. I think it would make a good information centre for Belgrave, a good starting point for anyone exlporing the "Golden Mile". I have suggested this to the Mayor but he's more interested in pointlessly knocking down the flyover.

5. Stonesby House, Princess Road East 
Another one for me. I think this will make pleasant offices for the Ned Trifle Foundation that I am going to set up with the rest of my winnings. This unlisted building has been called "in rather doubtful taste" which is good enough for me. I rather like it. Although it fits well into the surrounding Victorian grandeur of De Montfort Square it's bold enough to stand out on its own.

Picking only five is a silly idea. What about the Thomas Cook Hotel I hear you cry (especially if you a member of the Victorian Society)? What about The "Eastgates Coffee House" - empty once more, despite having a recent coat of paint? "Pares' bank" - will it ever be a restaurant? "The Leicestershire Club"?  So many buildings need saving and there's only a few of us potential lottery winners about...please think about that if you win.